Change Agents | Mange Consulting

How to Select Change Agents for your Network

The use of a Change Agent Network can be used as a mechanism to reach the entire organization and can greatly improve the effectiveness of communication and engagement strategies, but just how do you select change agents for your network? Change Agents are people who “own” the change, evangelize it to their colleagues, and become early adopters of the new behaviors. These people spread their enthusiasm and are much more effective than top-down communication alone.

The structure of an organization, both vertically and horizontally, requires these agents to be created at all levels and across different groups. The change team will assess the number and structure (e.g., representation from each sub-department) of the Change Agent Network with the department’s leadership. Taking the time to carefully choose Change Agents will help lead to a successful project implementation.

Responsibility can vary across projects, but Change Agents typically: 

  • Attend project meetings

  • Understand the change impacts on employees

  • Understand the key project milestones and timeline

  • Assist with disseminating communications

  • Identify resistors among the team and manage the resistance

  • Help register employees for training

  • Provide ongoing support to colleagues post-implementation

  • Act as the “Go-To” person for project questions and concerns

  • Provide feedback

Change Agents must be carefully selected to manage the inevitable uncertainty that arises when faced with change. They should not be selected simply based on who has availability for additional responsibility. 

Instead, consider the following selection criteria: 

  • Worked at the organization for more than two years

  • Availability to attend project meetings and training sessions as required

  • Translate the overall change vision for their division/team

  • Positive role model for the project

  • Provide timely feedback to the project team

  • Charismatic and influential

  • Trusted and respected by colleagues and seen as a ‘go to’ person

  • Recognize resistance to change and be supportive to their colleagues

  • Willingness to be proactive in asking the project team for additional resources

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